Dental Bone Graft- What is this and why we need it.

Bone grafts are a common surgical procedure which is done by specialist dental surgeons in all over the world. These kinds of procedures are needed when there isn’t enough bone to complete a dental implant or other required procedure.
When a patient has a missing tooth, the jaw bone gets worsen over the time, this situation is called resorption. This leaves the bone too narrow, neither enough deep enough nor strong enough to pursue a dental implant. This means we need to take a bone from another part of the body and put in the exact place to make the area strong enough to stand strong an implant and hold it in place.

There are generally two types of bone grafts that usually suggested in dental surgery, all kind of minor and major treatments. Both require the procedure being executed by an oral surgeon who has experience with this type of complex treatment.
It’s important for us to understand that the teeth and jawbone works simultaneously.
During the procedure dentist either take part of your own bones or use a synthetic bone which is placed over the tooth socket. After that it is covered with gum tissue and left to heal.
This procedure is carried out under local anesthetic, which numbs the specified area, ensuring no painwhen the procedure is performed. Once the procedure is done, the patient will require antibiotics to avoiding infections.
After the procedure is done, you will need to stay away of certain foods for a specific period of time. This is just a precaution to reduce any strain placed on your new bone. The dentist will discuss this with you in personal in terms of what you are and are not allowed along with how long you are to refrain from eating these specific foods.

There are other forms of bone grafts which usually take place, depending on where you need additional bone. One of these is called a sinus lift, which is generally needed when a patient has missing back upper teeth.
When you are missing upper back teeth, the sinus cavity can be enlarged and bone degeneration can occur. In this type of bone graft, new bone is placed just below the sinus to make the area much secured to hold a dental implantation. This type of procedure can take approximately up to one year to heal, but it has absolutely no impact on speech.

Here is what you want to know as patient:-

What kind of pain is associated in recovering from a bone graft or implant?
From a bone graft, your gums might feel sore, as if you bit a rock and it made your gums hurt.


How safe is bone grafting?
Extremely safe. The potential risks are rejection of the graft – which is usually not take place; or infection, which again, is about zero cases.

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