
There are some situations in which not much tooth is visible above the gum. This situation leads to affects the gums from supporting crown or dental filling. This generally happens because of two reasons:

a. When your tooth breaks off at the gum line

b. When crown or filling gets displaced from the tooth resulting in tooth decay

So today let us see how this crown lengthening procedure can help you in regaining the missing tooth.
In order to accomplish the desired results your dental surgeon will remove some gum tissues which will give him access to see considerable amount of tooth. Once this is done dentist will place a filling or crown in an attempt to fix the misshaped tooth. You must havecome across a lot of people who have too much gum tissue around their teeth. This condition is called as gummy smile. The whole idea of the crown lengthening procedure is to rectify this condition.

You will of course be placed under local anesthesia so that you might not experience the pain that is likely to result from the procedure. Once the area is numb, the dentist can therefore begin cut the excessgums so that he can see the actual position. There will be need for a lot of care and attention by the surgeon as the use of sterile saline water is very much encouraged so as to prevent any chance of an infection. Once the excessive gum has been cut off, the gums are cleaned and stitched up back to normal. The healing process will then be the next cause of attention.

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Possible risks

There are some risk of infection with crown lengthening, but not more than with other surgical procedures. You should follow all postoperative care instructions to help prevent infection.

You might experience bleeding at the surgical site while the surgery is ongoing or after the procedure, and your teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold drinks. The sensitivity will go with time. Your tooth might look longer than the neighboring teeth, and if bone was removed, the tooth may feel looser. If you lose your tooth in the future, the crown lengthening might make it more difficult for the surgeon to place a dental implant.

The recovery process

The recovery time for this procedure is approximately three months. However, you’ll be able to resume normal functions as your gums heal. You only need to avoid strenuous activity for the first two to three days. A physically demanding job, heavy lifting, and heavy exertion could inhibit your healing and cause more bleeding.

Use an ice pack: Using a pack on your face for the first few hours after the procedure can reduce swelling. Alternate use of the ice pack, following  25 minutes on and 25 minutes off.

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