What is

Periodontitis is a disease that leads to the infection of gums; bacteria and plaque can cause it. It can cause inflammation, pain, and gum recession. Aurora Dental Implant is our dental implant solution that helps to relieve periodontal disease and improve patient satisfaction.

Periodontal disease has been associated with several risk factors besides poor brushing and flossing habits. The risk of developing gingivitis or periodontitis increases with a systemic disease like heart disease and conditions like diabetes and AIDS. Other factors that may contribute to the development of periodontal disease include stress, genetics, crowded teeth, faulty dental restorations, and the use of certain medications that may cause dry mouth. According to the Centers for Disease Control,

 pregnant women are also at an increased risk for periodontal disease. Aside from the obvious poor hygiene habits, a few other things can contribute to someone getting periodontal disease. Conditions like diabetes and AIDS make it more likely for someone to develop gum disease, as do stress and genetics. If you have crowded teeth or faulty dental work, your chances of getting gingivitis or periodontitis are up. And finally, certain medications can cause dry mouth, another risk factor for gum disease.

What Exactly Is
Periodontal surgery ?

Periodontal surgery is any surgical procedure that is performed on the tissues that surround and support your teeth. Dentistry experts can perform it only in diagnosing, preventing, and treating periodontal disease. They also place dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots used to support the restoration of a missing tooth or teeth. Most people don’t realize they have a serious problem with their gums until they visit a dentist or periodontist. That’s because early-stage gum disease, called gingivitis, often produces few symptoms. As the disease progresses, however, it can lead to sore and bleeding gums, bad breath, and eventually tooth loss if not treated.

Periodontal surgery procedure

Periodontal surgery is any surgical procedure that treats periodontitis or inflammation and infection of the tissues and bones that support the teeth. There are several different types of periodontal surgery, each with its purpose and techniques. The most common type of periodontal surgery is flap surgery, which involves lifting back a section of gum tissue to cleanse the tartar and bacteria from the tooth root’s surface. Other types of periodontal surgery include:

  • Bone grafting, which replaces lost bone around the tooth root.
  • Gingival recession therapy covers exposed tooth roots.
  • Dental implant placement.

Soft tissue grafting, which replaces missing gum tissue around the teeth.


The signs and symptoms of periodontitis include trusted Sources:

  • Inflamed or swollen gums
  • discolored plaque or tartar on the teeth
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • halitosis, or bad breath
  • pain when eating or chewing
  • sensitive teeth
  • receding gums, which make the teeth look longer
  • extra spaces between the teeth
  • pus between the teeth and gums
  • a metallic taste in the mouth
  • loose or lost teeth
  • changes in the way the teeth feel when biting
  • changes in the fit of partial dentures

Symptoms may not appear until a person is in their 40s or 50s. By this time, peri apical abscesses or bone loss may have already occurred.

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    The ADA (American Dental Association)also recommends daily flossing to remove plaque and bacteria between the teeth and the gum line.

    • Brush your teeth for 2 minutes twice daily with a soft-bristle manual or electric toothbrush.
    • Use fluoride toothpaste.
    • Be sure to brush all surfaces.
    • Replace the toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, or more often, if the bristles are matted or frayed.
    • Choose a brush with the ADA seal of acceptance.

    Which toothpaste is best to use?

    Sharing or passing a brush can cause an infection, so people should not do this.

    A dentist can ensure you have the necessary dental care to manage your mouth; that is why advising on

    • Dental floss or floss sticks
    • Interdental brushes
    • Antiseptic mouthwash

    What should people do to keep their teeth and gums healthy?

    Here are some more prevention tips:

    • Avoiding or quitting smoking
    • Limiting alcohol intake
    • Following a diet that contains plenty of whole foods and fresh fruits and vegetables
    • Visiting a dentist at least once a year
    • Working with a doctor to manage diabetes
    • Drinking plenty of water

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